Date Night

The best thing I ever did for our marriage was to implement a regular “date night.” We pick one night every week that we set aside everything else and focus on each other. The iPad and cell phone get tucked away, and are date night contraband. Now I’d love to get all fancied up… slap on some lipstick, a pretty little number and hit the town, but with two small children at home and living on a student budget that’s just not going to happen. Instead we go for “tired parent chic” and hit the couch. We usually pick a tv show to watch together, play cards or a board game, or just end up talking until we get tired. It might not be the impressively planned out extravaganzas as when we were courting, but it doesn’t need to be. Just taking the time once a week to put life on hold for a night has kept our love alive. It helps us focus on one another, and not lose each other in the hustle and bustle of the day to day.


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